
  • Movement: Arrow Keys
  • Restart Level: [R]



This is my very short submission to Curdle GameJam #34. The theme was "Best of Both Worlds", so I decided to put together a Zelda-like dungeon with a light-world / dark-world mechanic. It is possible to lock yourself out of the solution, so I have provided a restart button that resets the state of the current level.

This project was particularly interesting to me because it made me think about how best to put together a dev environment where I could easily edit object locations in both worlds at the same time. I ended up overlaying two tilemaps with a reduced opacity on one layer, which worked pretty well for me. 

There are some bugs related to collisions that I haven't been able to fix on time, but I'm hoping to delve into how collisions work in Godot in a lot more detail in the near future.

Made withGodot


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Nice pixel art. The gameplay is smart and difficulty very progressive.  

Thank you :) I always try to introduce mechanics gradually to avoid overwhelming the player!

really fun puzzles and fantastic artstyle, i would love more (progressively more challenging) levels. Just a slight issue i noticed on my second run, where the back wall seems to be missing collision, so you can easily get through any puzzle by going onto the wall and through the top of the exit door. 

Thanks very much :) Dang, good spot on the collision! I was messing around with the tilemap and must have forgotten to pop those in in the latest build. Will fix :)